South Oahu Simplex Net - Info for Net Controls

If you are net control, please use the following preamble. Feel free to modify if needed.

QST QST QST. Good evening. This is (CALLSIGN), opening up the South Oahu ARES simplex net on (DATE). My name is (NAME), and I will be your host for tonight's net. The purpose of this net is to use simplex to find out who you can hear and who you can't hear, in case the repeaters go down. You may not be able to hear all stations, this is ok, and we will ask for relays to try to reach all stations. This net is open to all licensed radio amateurs. Reset. 

This is a directed net, and all traffic should pass through your host who acts as net control. For clarity at check in we encourage the use of ITU phonetics. The use of the word break should only be used to interrupt regular net operations in the event of an emergency. Net control is now standing by for stations with emergency, priority, or time sensitive traffic. Call now or you may break in at any time. (PAUSE FOR 5 seconds). 

Nothing heard. For tonight's simplex net we will take check-ins on the repeaters, once done net control will list the stations and their locations. We will then move to the designated simplex frequency, which for tonight is (146.565). On the simplex frequency, net control will do a roll call, and ask for relays and additional checkins. After that, we will return to the repeaters to give signal reports. We encourage new hams to participate. When operating on simplex, please make sure your squelch is down all the way, so you can hear the other stations, and please use high power. We will now take checkins - please give your call sign, name, and location.

(take checkins) 
(go through, and list all the stations, name and locations)

We will now move to the simplex frequency, 146.565. This is (CALLSIGN).
(move to the simplex freq) 
(roll call on simplex) 
(get relays) 

Are there any additional checkins or comments before we move back to the repeaters? 

QSY back to the repeaters. Relay stations, please announce to the other stations to return back the repeaters. This is (CALLSIGN). 

(move to the repeater) 

This is (CALLSIGN), we will now get signal reports, starting with net control 

(list who you could hear/ couldn't hear, information about your radio/location/antenna/power, then go through the list and ask each for their reports) 

Are there any additional check-ins or does any station have any final comments or questions before I close the net. This is (CALLSIGN), please call now. With no more checkins, comments or questions, this is Net Control closing the South Oahu ARES simplex net. We would like to thank all stations for checking in and participating this evening. (put in when we have the next net, when we've figured it out). We had ___ checkins and at ___ HST I am returing the repeaters back to normal amateur use. Until next time, aloha and 73. Have a great night. This is (CALLSIGN), clear. 

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