Friday, March 19, 2021

 Next South Oahu ARES Simplex Net - Friday March 19, 2021 at 8:00pm

Last week with Gilbert WH6FVG  as our net control we had 8 checkins! This is with the repeaters being unusable! We started on 146.520 and moved to 146.565 after the checkins were taken. Thank you Gilbert for being net control!

This bug is ready to test his antenna. Are you?

This week, we will have Mike WH6DLP acting as net control! The net will start at 8:00pm on Friday March 12, 2021. We encourage all licensed radio amateurs within RF range of Honolulu to participate. We will start on the 146.98 repeater, and then move to 146.565 after we have taken checkins, and then return to 146.980 to give signal reports. If you can't hear net control, please wait - we will send relays your way to pick up your checkin. It's also a good idea to 'monitor' the 146.980 repeater, because the net will return that repeater after the simplex portion is completed. We hope to hear you on the simplex net this Friday! Aloha and 73!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Next South Oahu ARES Simplex Net - Friday March 12, 2021 at 8:00pm

Last week with Todd WH6DWF as our net control we had 11 checkins! Thanks Todd for being net control!  

This week, we will have Gilbert WH6FVG acting as net control! The net will start at 8:00pm on Friday March 12, 2021. We encourage all licensed radio amateurs within RF range of Honolulu to participate. We will start on the 146.98 repeater, and then move to 146.565 after we have taken checkins, and then return to 146.980 to give signal reports. If you can't hear net control, please wait - we will send relays your way to pick up your checkin. It's also a good idea to 'monitor' the 146.980 repeater, because the net will return that repeater after the simplex portion is completed. We hope to hear you on the simplex net this Friday! Aloha and 73!


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Next South Oahu ARES Net - Friday March 5th, 2021, 8pm

A big mahalo to Mike WH6DLP for being the net control for last week's net. We had 19 checkins, spanning from Hahaione Valley, Hawaii Kai, Kaimuki, Waikiki, Honolulu, Ewa Beach, Miliani, Wahiawa, Waipio Gentry and more!
The next simplex net will be this Friday, March 5th, 2021, at 8pm. Todd WH6DWF "Waikiki-1", will be the net control. We encourage all licensed radio amateurs within RF range of Honolulu to participate. We will start on the 146.98 repeater, and then move to 146.565 after we have taken checkins, and then return to 146.980 to give signal reports. If you can't hear net control, please wait - we will send relays your way to pick up your checkin. It's also a good idea to 'monitor' the 146.980 repeater, because the net will return that repeater after the simplex portion is completed. We hope to hear you on the simplex net this Friday! Aloha and 73!