Friday, February 19, 2021

Next South Oahu ARES Simplex Net - Friday, February 26, 2021, 8pm

Thank you to all 13 hams who participated in the February 18, 2021 simplex net! We had a wide variety of stations - some used base stations, others used HTs, with a range of locations from Kaimuki, Honolulu, Wahiawa, Waikiki and Miliani!

The next simplex net will be on Friday, February 26, 2021, at 8pm. We encourage all licensed radio amateurs within RF range of Honolulu to participate. We will start on the 146.98 repeater, and then move to 146.565 after we have taken checkins. WH6DLP Michael will be the net control for this net, and after doing roll call on simplex, pass it to AH7RF Heather to see if we can pick up additional stations (with a relay). The goal is to experiment, and to see how far we can reach on simplex!

We hope to hear you on the simplex net! Aloha and 73!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

South Oahu ARES Simplex Net - Thursday February 18th, 2021 8pm!

This Thursday, at 8pm, we will have a South Oahu ARES Simplex Net, starting at 8pm, any licensed amateurs within RF range are encouraged to participate!

We will start the net at 8:00pm, on the 146.98 repeater, take checkins, and then move to a simplex frequency. Once we move to the simplex frequency (probably either 146.520 or 146.565), I will go down the list of checkins, and see who can hear (and reply) to the net control. After that, we will try for any relays - other stations that may be in a better location to reach stations the net control couldn't reach. Then, we will move back to the 146.98 repeater, to ask for signal reports from all stations.